Play as an evil wizard conquering the world !
Take : Plunder and pillage the villages, destroy kingdoms and burn forests.
Give : Sacrifice your minions to fuel your dark powers, ally with other evil creatures by giving them what they want.

How to Play ?
Clic on a location to open the associated quest and choose how to deal with it. Each location has multiple event that changes only when one is resolved. You may leave a quest on hold for latter but beware : they progress on their own in ways detrimental to your own dark projects. Village grows, trolls get hungrier, alliances are forged...
(Transparent locations are work in progress)

Once ready, start the battle and watch your minions fends off your enemies. Each battle last three turns, enemies still alive will come back for the next fight with a new wave of attackers. Some quests may also increase the number of opponents you have to fight.

Published 6 days ago
StatusIn development


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(8 edits)

some bugs to be aware of:
- sometimes in battle the turn stops, resulting in softlock
- sometimes scene transition after battle victory doesnt work properly, just goes blue
- i am able to select actions such as "pay 10 treasures" when i have < 10 treasures
- troops in the reserve can be attacked? (i assume this is unintentional)

some questions i had:
- how does the progress system work, and why do the actions say "+-" progress.
- how do you win? is it through the progress system?
- is the red line supposed to indicate the needed amount of population? Because it would appear the game doesn't end when I go below that.

Thank you for your feedback, the second and third bug should be resolved but I did not manage to reproduce the others :/ Was there a particular kind of troop present when it happened ?

The ‘progress’ is linked to each quest (the bar underneath). Once a quest reached its max or min it is completed and has consequences. Its says +- sometimes because the progress can go up or down.

There is not yet conditions to win ^^” It will probably be through a special quest.

Yes the red line is the minimum population before loosing at the start of the next management phase. It should be working now.